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Friday, October 23, 2009

7 months!

LC is 7 months old today! Wow! Where did the time go?
Christine can now sit all by herself and LOVES to do this! She is starting to reach forward until she falls onto her face/stomach and then commando crawls backwards. Complaining the whole time, mind you, because she still doesn't like being on her tummy! And despite her advances in the sitting and standing departments, she STILL does not roll over. Of course, we don't actually WANT her to be mobile. That would just add a dimension of previously unexperienced chaos into my already crazy life!! It's a funny thing. We spend so long anticipating when they will be able to do things like crawl, walk and talk and encouraging their every effort to do so, then complain that they are always running off or won't be quiet! Life is funny that way!

So here she is, supporting herself. Scary huh?! I started the "photo shoot" by supporting her but then figured out that she could actually do it on her own. At least long enough for me to snap several pictures! She's going to be our earliest walker, I just know it! Oh our lives are going to get much busier soon!!
Happy Birthday LC!
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