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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reflections on 2011

As we get ready to head over to my brother's, for what sounds like a really fun New Year's Eve party, I thought I'd take couple minutes to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
How has 2011 been for you?
Overall I think this has been a good year for me. I have met many challenges face on and feel I've come out on the other side with a better understanding of what I want, who I am, what I value and what's important to me right now. I'm not sure everyone around me shares these new found beliefs and ideals which may be problematic but ... I am happy. Right now. In this moment. With me, myself and I.

The rest of the world can either get on board or get out of my way!!


Ha, ha. I say that with such bravado but really I am a total people pleaser and even the act of thinking about myself and actively working on myself is a bit foreign to me. It's a struggle as a Mom and a Wife whose natural tendency is to put all others before herself, to remember the adage "Happy Wife, Happy Life" and that by taking care of yourself first, you are actually better able to take care of everyone else. Sort of like on the airplane when they say "put on your oxygen mask before assisting others". Well this year, for the most part, my oxygen mask has been firmly in place! And I plan to keep it there for 2012!!

My One Little Word for 2011 was Release. I wanted to release so many negative emotions that I've been carrying around for awhile. Through the help of a therapist I think I have done just that. (Some are of the lingering variety though ...) While I was trying to pick a OLW for 2012 several words flitted through my grey matter - family, fun, free - but the one that has stuck and that I will be (pun intended) focussing on is, FOCUS. I have felt a distinct lack of focus in my day to day life lately. I used to be so organized and never forgot where I'd put things or what events were on my calendar for the week. Now, and this may have more to do with being the Coordinator In Chief for a busy family of 5, I seem to always be searching for something (cell phone, diaper bag, camera charger, my children!) and if an appointment doesn't get written onto our large family calendar odds are it will be forgotten.

My attempt at a career with Stampin' Up! has been met with fervour and passion but a distinct lack of organization and trouble focussing on tasks which have led me to make the decision to step back for a bit. I'm not letting my Demonstrator status go just yet but I am actively re-evaluating how I want to proceed. How I can make it suit ME and how I can make it suit my family. I have been compiling a list of things to focus on in 2012 and Stampin' Up! is on that list (right now). Like Gretchen Rubin's 'The Happiness Project', it is my intention to focus on one thing every month for the year. Unlike her, my intention is not to see if I can achieve a greater sense of happiness out of it, merely to allow myself permission to work hard on one thing for a month.  I haven't figured out what order my 12 areas of focus will be yet but #1 will likely be CAREER as the pressure mounts to start contributing financially to the family.

Well, this post has become deeper and longer than intended so I think I'll leave off there. There will be changes coming down the pipeline at home and here on the blog so look out for them. Don't know what they are going to look like yet ... we'll be surprised together!!

I wish you and yours a Happy and Safe New Years Eve and a New Year filled with joy, love, laughter and creativity! See you 2012!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Alison, I read this post last night, but didn't get a chance to comment until today, and once again I am struck by the similarities in our lives! I think your OLW is fantastic, it is a word that would work for me at this point in time, too. I'm excited about 2012, I really think it's going to be a good year for me and my family, but I need to get some things in order. Well, I won't ramble too much here, as I am about to put together a post in my own blog that lays it all out, but I hope you had a fun evening out, and I also hope that we will be able to meet in person in the coming year - I really think it will be possible!!! Big hugs to you and your family, Rox.

    PS - I agree, let's do our own version of P12! That is one area that gave me focus in 2011, and it's a fabulous idea!
