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Monday, March 1, 2010

Painting with Chicken Spaghetti!

A fun and (hopefully) quick post to share a funny family moment.

The back story ... When Greg and I first got married he talked about his Mom's Chicken Spaghetti ALL the time as one of his favourite meals from growing up. He would bug me to get the recipe and I just shrugged it off  - I felt I was a pretty good cook without his Moms help thank you very much. Ah, so naive! The new wifee wanting to impress her man on her own!! After we had Marley, Mom Day stayed with us for about a week and one night made this KICK A$$ dinner and I instantly asked for the recipe. Whaddya know? It was the (in)famous Chicken Spaghetti!! Since then it's become a family favourite and when the kids started balking at eating veggies I just altered the prep a bit and blended the veggies before cooking the chicken in them. The kids yum it up ALL the time and have no idea they are eating about 2 servings of vegetables!!

A few nights ago it was time to introduce LC to it. I stripped her down and got the camera ready!

First tastes ...

... exploring ...

... finger lickin' good ...

... "I like this Mom!"

I did title this post "Painting with Chicken Spaghetti" and so far LC's still pretty clean. Well, not for long!!

Ah, the hands in the hair!

Don't hate me 'cus I'm cute!

Is it bath time yet?

And just so they don't feel left out, here are Paige and Marley enjoying their dinner too.

So, thanks Mom Day for the recipe! It's still a Day Family Favourite!!

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